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Dalton Palmer's Playpark is NOW OPEN!!!
Stop by and enjoy one of the MOST AWESOME Playparks in the State.

Join Augusta and surrounding community on Saturday May 13, 2023 for a special event at Fulton Valley Farms
Spring Fling
May 13 2023
Bring  your family and enjoy the Play Park before and after the Spring Fling!  You will be glad you did!

New Sign installed on March 7, 2025 as seen below!
Dalton Palmer Park Officially Becomes a Part of Augusta Downtown History!

Check out the most awesome Play Park you will find anywhere!  
Enjoy the Season

Ladies and gentleman, this playground is extreme! Towering nearly 30 feet in the sky, the newest addition to Frisco Plaza in Augusta’s downtown Red Brick District is  the tallest manufactured playground in Kansas.  Adjacent to Augusta’s Frisco Depot Welcome Center and just one block south of U.S. Highway 54/400, the ropes course inspired Dalton Palmer Memorial Playground will truly get your adrenaline pumping. Do you have the guts for extreme play?  The extreme generation (XGEN) playground features:

  • a nearly 30-foot tower with a 16-foot deck and 30-foot slide;
  • two towers reaching more than 26- and 24-feet high, each with 12-foot decks and tunnel slides;
  • three 20-foot, fully enclosed skyways connecting at 12-feet high; each featuring a challenging climbing activity; and
  • a one-of-a-kind gravity rail that swings riders around a rollercoaster-like circular track.
  • ADA Pour-in-Place Soft Rubber Surfacing (New!)
  • Unique Picnic Seating Areas and Parklets
Top 5 Reasons to Visit Dalton Palmer Memorial Playground:
1.  Day trips, staycations, and school field trips
2.  Energizing rest stop – the playground is located near the junction of U.S. Highway 77 and U.S. Highway 54/400
3.  Reserve the Frisco Depot Welcome Center for an unforgettable birthday party.  Frisco Train Depot and Welcome Center Room Rental   Agreement
4.  Host an organizational team-building event or challenge course
5.  Make a day of it with unique shopping, dining, and attractions in Augusta’s downtown Red Brick District

Party Plans?  DD Park will be a wonderful place for a birthday party for that special youngster of yours!  Even though

there is NOT a rental policy for this Play Park, there are several options available.  Share Your Party with those that are

there!   There is plenty of room to keep it to those invited guests.   The most popular option has been to rent the Frisco

Depot facility and have a private place for the birthday or party guests, and at the same time have  DD Play Park next door

for the kids to play.  To rent the Depot call the DAI staff at 316-775-6339 or at 316-775-4585 during regular business hours. 

How much fun is DD's Play Park?

Check out these pictures which were taken Saturday, October 2022!  Dawsyn Palmer celebrating her 6th Birthday. What a perfect place for a birthday party.  BonBons Ice Cream played a huge part in Dawsyn's celebration!

   Don't miss out.  Join the fun of this Extreme Play Park  today!!!

Take friends with you and enjoy a picnic in the  outside booths

New shops available to lease/rent at DD's Playpark

In the background you will see beautiful shops finished early 2021.  As of February 12, 2021 one is rented and 3 are available. These would be great for all kind of businesses. This area has lots of traffic all year, but flourishes when the weather is nice and DD's play park is full of kids playing with parents watching.  If interested in one of these shops, contact Mark McCollom @ 316-775-1208 or 316-655-4608

Below is the newest addition to the Play Park Shops.  BonBons of Augusta  featuring:




Find BonBons on Facebook:

Kaemyn, Dawsyn and Kalyssa Palmer enjoying their Bon Bon ice cream.   Dawsyn is Dalton Palmer's sister, Kaemyn and Kalyssa are nephew and niece.

Thanks to Candance Kunkel for the two pictures below
Thanks to Belinda Larsen for For the Love of Dalton
Ribbon Cutting of Dalton Palmer Memorial Play Park
Ground Breaking and Ribbon Cutting  October 5, 2018

Thanks Augusta for the great turn-out for our celebration Friday evening!  We were all over- whelmed with the excitement and kindness shown from our fellow Augustans and community friends.  Many that shared this ribbon cutting were personal friends of Dalton!  Thank You So Much!  Thanks to the City of Augusta for the well organized event.  Thanks to the Mayor, Mike Rawlings,  for explaining the vision and mission of the Play Park.  What was really appreciated of the Mayor's talk was the fact, that this Park belongs to all Augustans since most of the money was raised via the City's sales tax which you, the citizen paid.  Our wish, and I know Dalton's wish, is for all to use and enjoy in the many years ahead!   
Hi folks,
Even though we are celebrating the ribbon cutting for DD's park tomorrow night, I would like to say that the "park is not finished."
There will be a concrete border and fence installed later this month.  We are hoping the wood fiber surfacing is temporary.  Eventually, we would like to install a soft rubberized floor.  The concrete border wall will make way for this custom surface.  We need to raise the funding for this which I don't think will be a problem.   The fencing and the gate will be a real important addition to this great park.  There will also be some benches installed, coming from the Andover Rotary Club donation which is greatly appreciated!  The building siding will be at least painted and updated.    We appreciate the progress to date, making this one of the finest Play Parks in Kansas.  It has also been designated as the Play Park with the tallest structures.  Thanks to all that have donated and all that have already experienced DD's Play Park!  Dalton Palmer would be very proud!!!

Read Jenny's Palmer "A Bittersweet Tribute" to her son, Dalton.  I Amen this beautiful written Tribute!
Miracle Gravity Rail being installed today, September 18.  Another "DD" Fun Machine
Yes, it is not a proposed project any longer.  It's here and almost ready for use and fun!  We are looking forward to the ground breaking and ribbon cutting ceremony on October 5.  This is in conjunction with the City's sponsored Carnival.   Make plans to attend.  Not sure yet about the time, but will inform you when we find out.  Bring your kids and grand children and help us celebrate the opening of this special project that is close to our hearts.   We thank all of you for your support during this project, especially the City of Augusta and Troy/Jenny Palmer family.  DD would be proud!!!
From City of Augusta webpage, July 27, 2018

Equipment for the Dalton Palmer Memorial Downtown Park is here! A huge shout-out to staff for unloading two semi-trucks this morning. Staff from the Airport, Electric Department, Inspection Office, Parks and Recreation Division, and Streets Department moved 570 pieces.
The park will be south of the Augusta Historic Frisco Train Depot and Welcome Center, attracting visitors downtown. The city engineer is finalizing drainage plans, and dirt work will start soon. The park is on track to open for the City’s 150th Celebration!
Learn more about the project and how to donate at

Proposed Dalton Palmer Memorial "Play Park"
A project by the City of Augusta for downtown improvement and for the children of Augusta.  The project is being made possible by Troy Palmer, donating the lot to the City.  The park will be constructed in the memory of Troy's son, Dalton.  To help and be a part of the Memorial Park, check out the details

We sincerely thank Jan Colvin for the beautiful poem she composed and wrote about Dalton and his playpark.
A true act of kindness and caring which our family truly appreciates.  Jan Robinson Colvin, is a former Augustan who grew up
here and graduated from
Augusta High School    Jan is also a donor to Dalton's Playpark.    Thank You Jan!

"A Poem for Dalton Palmer!"
Dalton Memorial Park-a place to play that honors a child's life that was too brief,
Many cannot comprehend the unspeakable degree of the Palmer family's grief.
But you prayed,  dreamed, and an idea came into play,
A lovely place to giggle, laugh, and spend the day!
A tribute to a carefree adventurous boy,
From your pain there will be such joy!
May your design of love and care,
Be the sign of the joy you share!
I just wanted the Palmer family to know I care,
I look forward to hearing the laughter in the air!
May your Dalton smile down in pure delight,
Knowing that the Palmer family will be alright!

Written for the Palmer-Family
July 14, 2018
By-Jan Colvin

Check out the You Tube Video below to see what it will look like and check out the Picture Gallery

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